Rantings of a 12-year old mind

Sometimes I wonder why do we have five fingers? Why not 6 or 7 or perhaps, 12. Why is it that our body is perfect for the way it is?

Sometimes I wonder why does the alphabet ‘F’ sounds like ‘fa’ and not ‘ka’ , ‘sha’ or perhaps, ‘ sa’. Imagine somebody saying, “I don’t give a s(f)uck.” Or maybe, ” I don’t give a d(f)uck.” Funny, yeah.

I wonder why is white called white and not red, and red called red and not black, and black called black and not orange? Perhaps, orange is the new black. Whatever.

P.S. My 20-year old self did not write these utterly lame words but my 12-year old self did.
I found this written in a very old diary and no wonder, I had a stupid childhood.  😛



Why do “balls” equate to toughness and “pussy” equates to weakness when even the slightest flick to the nards sends a guy to his knees and contrarily, vaginas can push out an entire human being?
IRONICAL. Yes, it is.

Cruelty and Love.


People often ask me that why am I apprehensive about love and commitment and stuff. Those who don’t know me think that a bad or a hurtful past has made me so callous about love. Those who know me think I’m weird. But whatever it may be.

In bloody 20 years of my life, why haven’t I been committed to anyone? Why haven’t I felt the pangs of love? Why hasn’t Cupid struck me? And why hasn’t Aphrodite bestowed her blessings upon me yet? WHY?

I too have been pondering on these questions since a long time. And after a few moments of introspection, I have an answer. A perfect one, a real one. Basically, my answer is priorities.

My priorities are different from those of others. To me, love is a pious thing ( ‘thing’ ? Nah, an emotion). If someone loves me with all their heart and I am unable to love them back with an equal intensity and fervour, then it will be cruel on my part. Yes. Taking all the love from someone and denying them their part of love is, in fact, the most terrible form of cruelty.

And I can’t be cruel to anyone. I can’t make anyone suffer because of my ‘different priorities’. Hence, I’m rocking the solo life, happily!
